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S2 E32 Client Testimonials: "I manifested EVERYTHING on my list" with Caitie Corradino

S2 E31 Get Out of Business Debt in 2025 and All Things Money Talk with Gina Knox

S2 E30 Spirituality, Money, and Living Your Purpose with Logan Gentry

E24 Reflections from a Magical Week at the Summit Retreat ⛰

In celebration of the culmination of the first of many Diana Davis Creative retreats, we share snippets from the Summit Retreat in Steamboat Springs, Colorado.

In this episode of The Pollen Podcast, we discuss experiences, lessons, and personal and business reflections from the summit. Cait, Shelagh, Meera, Ani, and Caitie talk about their favorite parts of the retreat, overcoming dream achievement guilt, being one with nature, the power of making authentic connections, and much more!

Listen to this episode and be inspired to join the next Diana Davis Creative retreat!

Create your own creative entrepreneurship story of clarity, professional confidence, and profit. Join Diana’s 90-day group course Camp Clarity and learn everything you wish you already knew, like how to land dream clients, harness the power of social media, and make the money you deserve. Learn more here.

🔥 Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  1. Learn how to avoid feeling guilt for wanting more after reaching your goals so you can continue to grow and expand.

  2. Embracing change as an inevitable sign of growth in your business and personal life.

  3. How the DDC Creative Retreats call your fullest potential forward.

📘 Resources

🎧 Episode Highlights

[07:26] Cait’s Mission & Mindfulness Yoga

  • Cait is one of Diana’s first one-on-one clients.

  • She is the first Registered Children’s Yoga Teacher in the New York public school district.

  • Her mission is to help people of all ages, sizes, and genders live their best lives through mindfulness and yoga.

  • She believes in the power of giving adults the mindfulness and mindset tools to share with their children.

[09:25] Dream Achievement Guilt

  • People often feel guilty for wanting more after achieving their goals and aspirations because they think they should be thankful.

  • It is okay to want more.

  • Change is a sign of growth. Embrace growth and expansion.

  • You can shift and evolve while following our desires — even in a different modality.

  • Tap into the feeling that you want, and you will be able to live to your fullest potential.

[12:07] Cait’s ‘Summit’ Retreat Reflections

  • Cait finds the experience transformative through breakthroughs, healing, and authentic, meaningful connections.

  • Vulnerability and openness can lead you on a deeper path to your highest fulfillment.

Cait: "Life, in general, is like a hike up a mountain. You sometimes have to take that first step, and then you realize that it's super challenging once you start going, and altitude keeps picking up." - Click Here To Tweet This
  • Take ‘quantum leaps.’

  • Slow and steady does not win the race — be agile.

  • You have to move and go to the thing you know is waiting for you.

[18:27] Cait’s Brand Photoshoot Experience

  • Cait always wanted to work with Ani, and the retreat made it possible for her.

  • She felt in the moment with herself during the shoot.

  • The shoot helped her reconnect with her body and appreciate existing in her skin.

  • It also made her see how beautiful the body is and how it works automatically without us even thinking about it.

[24:17] Shelagh and Her Clients

  • Shelagh is a registered dietitian specializing in hormone health and PCOS.

  • She finds joy in helping her clients heal hormonal imbalances and manage PCOS holistically with food freedom.

  • Shelagh believes that she is her clients.

  • She does not believe forging a great relationship with her clients is unprofessional.

[28:39] Shelagh’s Nature Experience at ‘Summit’

  • Shelagh finds the retreat to be a grounding experience with nature. She felt held by the Earth and the universe.

  • Her favorite part was plunging into the cold waterfalls and finding peace in the water.

  • She also loved the deep connections she made during the retreat.

[33:59] Meera’s Love for Connection

  • Meera is a financial advisor and the CEO of her company, Life.Money.Balance.

  • She empowers women to feel excited about money and confidently grow in their wealth.

  • She is a people person, and the retreat reminded her of the interconnectedness of people.

[35:42] Meera’s Reflections from ‘Summit’

  • Meera's reflections during the retreat were about motherhood.

  • The retreat was Meera’s first time being away from her child. It provided her the clarity of not constantly thinking about giving support to others.

  • It also reminded her of the importance of giving credit to her husband — that he is capable and can care for their children.

  • The retreat also taught Meera to listen to her body and not succumb to people-pleasing tendencies.

  • We do not owe it to anybody to stress our bodies.

[43:06] Ani as a Spiritual Brand Photographer

  • Ani is a spiritual brand photographer who helps her clients tap into their deepest spiritual beings.

  • The retreat allowed her to let her inner child and teenager come out and play after being suppressed by the world's demands.

[46:07] Ani’s Cosmic Shopping List

  • Ani was able to revisit her cosmic shopping list during the retreat.

  • She learned to list the more important things in her life.

Diana: “Because we're doing [what we dream of], we don't give ourselves the credit for what we're already achieved.” - Click Here To Tweet This
  • Don't force change or transformation. Instead, aim for more of what you have.

  • Listen to the Pollen Podcast's episode on the cosmic shopping list here.

[46:07] Caitie’s Retreat Reflections

  • Caitie and Diana started as each other’s clients in photography and fitness businesses.

  • Caitie is a registered dietician, nutritionist, eating disorder recovery coach, Reiki practitioner, fitness instructor, and yoga instructor.

  • She is also the creator of Full Soul Nutrition and the host of the podcast Whole, Full, & Alive.

  • Watch out for Caitie’s episode with Diana where they talk about their learnings from their ‘crazy spiritual breakthrough breakups’.

  • The retreat taught Caitie to go full force into being herself — to have the freedom to incorporate everything she learned throughout her life.

Caitie: “[The retreat] has reminded me that I do need to embrace all of who I am — all of that stuff I talked about — because shying away from it isn't serving anyone. It's definitely not serving me to suppress any aspect of who I am.” - Click Here To Tweet This

Enjoyed this Podcast on the Power of Retreats?

Never underestimate the power of community and nature! Retreats are a great way to be one with nature and be in community with others. The 'Summit' retreat is the first of many to come, so be on the lookout for the next one if you’re interested in being a part of this beautiful experience!

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Diana Davis: Welcome to Pollen, the podcast for creative entrepreneurs. I'm your host, Diana Davis, multi passionate creative business coach Gemini manifesting generator, macha drinker and travel junkie. I'm also the founder of Diana Davis creative, where I went from a six figure photography business to coaching creative entrepreneurs like you. If you want to have a career and a life you love. You're in the right place. On this show, I'll be coaching on all things creative entrepreneurship, and you'll hear stories from fellow creative entrepreneurs that will show you it is possible to do life the way you want to. They'll share the nitty gritty of their journeys, like the real shit, and how they are doing it differently. I'm stoked to have you along on this journey. Let's go.

It has been almost two weeks since this episode was recorded out in the open air of the Rocky Mountains overlooking the Yampa Valley in Steamboat Springs. Our very first retreat at Dianna Davis creative, so fricking magical, we called it Summit: the Retreat for Dreamers, Doers and Entrepreneurs. This was such an incredible experience a year ago, and especially before that, I did not expect to ever host a retreat — you could have told me that I was going to and I would have thought you were crazy.

I thought it was too overwhelming, too many logistics, a lot of space to hold, how would I make everything work, it's a lot of moving pieces, it's way different than showing up to a photoshoot as a photographer, editing photos, or jumping in a Zoom Room and bringing together a community of people and coaching them.

And now having done it, it was one of the most incredible and potent things I've ever done in my life. You can absolutely bet on Diana Davis Creative putting forth more retreats in the future. So make sure you go check out to get on the waitlist or sign up for what we are currently offering. Until then, please enjoy these amazing creative entrepreneurs that are just going to just really show you and make you feel the vibe of this magical space.

All I can say is in real life is potent. But one of the biggest things for me, and a big takeaway for the people at the retreat was the community. And I will pride myself all day long on having a really fucking badass community. Somehow, by God bless it be I have cultivated such amazing people. And I'm so grateful. And also just a huge shout out to my team, Alexandra and Maria. They are incredible. And I could not have done this without them.

Shout out to Tiffany Swan, who is my retreat chef. If you are hosting your retreat, please hire her. She is incredible. She's a professional chef, has worked at restaurants like the Ritz, Carlton, and made a lot of foods that you literally buy every day in the grocery store. Also, Ani and Alisa will drop all of their handles in the show notes. But they're incredible. And we want to make sure to shout them out because we couldn't have done it without them.

A big reason why I was so scared to do it before is because I was going to be doing it all on my own. And I will say I would never have wanted to do this on my own. So I hope to see you at a future retreat. It's the most incredible experience I've ever experienced. It's a cool way to go to a place that you haven't been before maybe or revisit a place and also just be with community and have an itinerary that's already planned, as well as obviously, getting business coaching and having real quantum leaps while you're in that space in this kind of beautiful retreat bubble for the week. So enjoy this episode.

Oh my god, I've been wanting to do this podcast for months. I didn't know if it would come to fruition. I didn't know if we'd have time if the logistics would work all the limiting beliefs. But we are here on day three of our first just retreat. My team is here. I flew them in, they are working the retreat with me. And all I can say is I could not do it without them.

My chef is here, Tiffany Swan, and shout out also to my team, Alexandra and Maria. And there's 15 of us women here at this retreat. We are overlooking the Yampa Valley in Steamboat Springs currently. So if you hear anything in the background, hopefully it's birds and crickets. It's absolutely stunning. And you're going to be hearing from each and every one of these retreat attendees.

Some are new to my circle, most are returning summer, oh, geez, summer baby clients. And each and every one of them is unique and has different businesses and different things going on in their life. But one of the big things, and themes of this retreat is that it's not about your business being separate from your life. You are a holistic human, a holistic soul, a holistic being. And a business is just a piece of that.

So not just focusing on where the next business thing is going to be coming from, where the next paycheck is coming in, the next client. But what do you actually want in this life? And your business just happens to be part of that. So we're going to start with our first guest here, Cait. She's here! We’re literally just sitting on a bench cozied up together around this mic, overlooking— do you want to describe where we are?

Cait Cepeda: I mean, yeah, when you were giving the intro, I was just looking around, like, holy crap, I cannot believe what I'm doing my first podcast ever on this incredible retreat, overlooking the Colorado mountains and this gorgeous lake in the best company ever.

Diana: It's so gorgeous to like, truly unreal. And right now, what time is it?

Cait: Time doesn't matter on this retreat!

Diana: Time doesn't matter. Time doesn't matter. And it doesn't exist! It is a huge theme. But scientifically, it is 6:59 which means it is the most gorgeous light over this valley you've ever frickin seen their brand photoshoots happening, Tiffany is cooking our last dinner. It's just incredible. So, Cait! Who are you as a holistic human?

Cait: Oh, my goodness, I feel like I'm very clear on this. After these 48 hours, I am on a mission to help others live their best life through mindfulness. And for me, it's yoga and healing. And I am so grateful for the work that I do right now I am a full time— I am the first ever mindfulness and yoga teacher in New York City public school district,

Diana: Amen! Snap!

Cait: I know! It is super rewarding. And it's been amazing. And my mission is also to just create more impact around that. And when one of the things that I'm really passionate about is yes, it's about our children. And I lit up when I work with kids. I mean, like it's just what I was born to do. I just feel like I'm a kid whisperer sometimes. I've been told that. But it's also about giving the adults the tools, the mindfulness tools, the mindset tools to be able to then share that with our kids.

So my work is pretty much like around all ages. I say it's for every body doesn't matter what age they are, it doesn't matter the size, it doesn't matter the gender. It’s just like we're all in this world together. So we all need to learn these tools together.

Diana: That ripple effect.

Cait: Yeah, the ripple effect.

Diana: So let's see. I think it's really cool because you are one of my first coaching clients ever. I was back when I had and I'm still having impostor syndrome. I've shared it on this retreat right now. I'm like, Who the fuck do I think I am to be hosting these 14 women here in Steamboat like, what? But back when I was like, who the fuck do I think I am to be a coach. And you hired me and you are one of my first of five one-on-one clients, like longterm one-on-one clients. And really a lot of dreams have come to fruition.

Cait: Yes. Like, yeah, I've just been following the breadcrumbs. I love it. It's led me to an actual goldmine of just like a beautiful life that is continuing to evolve and change. And we said this, I mean, we've had so many impactful chats on this retreat. But one of the things that came up that I really resonated with is just, we're oftentimes resistant to change, and it's because we think that we like one There's one thing we desire it. So we work so hard to get it.

Then we get it, and we realize that the evolution, the change isn’t over, the expansion isn't over, there's some shifts that need to happen. And sometimes we resist it, because we're like, oh, but we, I wanted that one thing. And now I have it, I should just be grateful, like, I shouldn't be wanting more. And that is the biggest blockage that you can put up for yourself.

Because in reality, change is often an amazing sign of growth. And we want that we want to continue growing, and we want to continue expanding, and what we resist persists. So we might as well just lean into it and just go.

Diana: I want to coin this:dream achievement guilt. Like, we reach the thing, and then we realize we want more or something different, or we desire something. Maybe it wasn't even like, in line, and we thought it was gonna be the pinnacle of our success and happiness. And we're like, oh, fuck, now we're here. And it's like, Ah, it's not! It's not the thing. And then we have a lot of guilt, because we're like, oh, you should be so grateful. This is exactly what you wanted. So we really focused on a lot of the coaching to tap into the feeling that you want. Not the thing, not the box, that you, the modality, not the thing, because that can change

Like, for me, it's inspiring and empowering people to live to their fullest potential.

That modality for a long time was photography, right? And I could have a lot of guilt for not doing that anymore. And realizing that, you know, we can shift and evolve and actually move and follow our desire still, but in a different modality. So what I want to know from you, Cait, is what is it like being in real life? Because also not just with me, but because you and I have never met in person? I was just saying, I feel like you've been in my life forever. Because we're so open and just like.

Cait: Cannot agree more.

Diana: Yeah. But like, what has this retreat meant for you? In general, like, I want to hear the feedback,

Cait: My cells are vibrating. No, honestly, it has been absolutely transformative. I knew it would be. I mean, honestly, it's like one of those things that when Diana launched the retreat in my head, I was like, I don't even know what airline we're taking, or how we're getting to this destination. I just know that when we get there, it's going to be amazing. So when he first launched it, like, there were no details, we just knew that you were doing a retreat. And I literally was like, Where do I put down my deposit? Like how do I book a room? This is going to be crazy. Whoever gets to be in your presence is lucky as shit.

But also it's like being in the presence of all of your people. That was really it for me as well. Yeah. Because community. Yeah, the community because you always the community, as a community, it really is. Yeah, truly, really is like, how you how you? Yeah, but I am so lit up, I feel like I've had so many breakthroughs, and I have done so much healing. And I've made so many authentic, meaningful connections. Like literally me and another one of your clients are now going to see Big Wild, like next week on a double date.

That's just amazing to me, because one of my desires is and just like real life is meaningful connections. And I loved one of the things that we've been focusing on, especially because I've been going through some personal shit. And the one thing that I loved about what you did was you held space for not only the dreamers, the doers, the entrepreneurs, but also the raw human. Yeah, right. It's like you said to me, before we came, Caitie, I want you to know that on this retreat, and always your personal life is your business and your business life is your personal. From a business from an entrepreneur standpoint, that is so true.

We learn and we really work on boundaries and how to separate those in our real life. But when it comes to community, and values, being vulnerable, and just being open is what often leads you on a deeper path to your highest fulfillment in business, and personal. They definitely coexist.

Diana: Did you have a favorite part so far?

Cait: I genuinely. Wow. I wouldn't say I have a favorite part. Like I genuinely feel like it takes a lot of me to wake up and be like, today's gonna be a great day. Like I'm just gonna be super real. It's like, you just never know. Life is a box of chocolates. Although what I can say is being here, every day, I've woken up, Caitie and I have looked at each other. And one of us has said first, like, Wow, I'm so excited today is going to be such a great day. And it is because you, we kind of like we had an itinerary and then granted anything gonna happen. But like, that wasn't the vibe, nothing random was gonna happen.

We had the most epic time, I would say, the I don't even know, like, start to finish the opening circle when we all got here. And we all introduced ourselves and immediately all just put down our walls and started opening up in a way that I already knew I was going to leave here with lifelong friendships. Like the tears were flowing, the support was— holding was there the connection was like, manifesting. And that was just really powerful. Incredible.

Then we wake up and we go on this amazing hike. And it was super challenging. And I was having so many breakthroughs on this altitude hike because I don't like when I'm not good at something. And I was genuinely like, getting frustrated. I was like, I'm like, shit. This is hard.

Like things are usually hard when it comes to like hiking, I don't know. But it was also super humbling. And that analogy that we had on the hike, I think was just really impactful. Basically, what we have talked about for all of you that are listening is that life in general is like a hike up a mountain, right? You sometimes have to take that first step, and then you realize that it's super challenging once you start going, and altitude keeps picking up. You might hear some like hype up in the background.

Diana: Yeah, they're doing some brand photoshoots. We just decided not to lock ourselves in a room because that just wouldn't be a Pollen podcast.

Cait: Yeah, I love it. So it's like you're walking up a hill, and it's super hard. And you're like, Ah, maybe this isn't for me. Maybe I should just turn back. This is too hard. Maybe I should just blah, blah, blah. And then you realize that no, we know what is at the end of this hike. It's going to be this amazing waterfall,

Diana: Which it actually was. Yeah, amazing waterfall at the end of the hike.

Cait: Yeah! There was and then it's like, you just have to go through the thing to get to the thing that you know is waiting for you. It's right around the bend, even though you can't see it. It's there. And that that alone was just really transformative.

Diana: Sometimes it's right there. You think you're like, oh, I have so much farther to go. And I just started my business. And here we are. And literally, it's right behind the rock that's right in front of you. You're like, holy shit. And those are the quantum leaps, right? Yes. And slow and steady wins the race. Like that's some bullshit. Yeah, we can break that.

Cait: Yeah, it's like you gotta move. You gotta be dynamic. You gotta be on your toes. Yeah,

Diana: Yeah. Beautiful. So true. So I have no, this is always the case where we don't know if you guys can hear the background noise until we play this back.

Cait: I think we should. I think we should just describe the scene because it's too good not to. We're sitting on this bench. And we're watching Nicolette video, and she's back there video or shooting shot?

Diana: Maybe. Oh, maybe Ani or Lisa. Yeah Lisa shooting, and there’s Shelagh.

Cait: Yes. And they're like Yeah, girl work at you are so bad ass just do this and move it and yes, that's what’s happening.

Diana: And you had a powerful moment in your brand photoshoot, too.

Cait: I had. Yeah, I really I actually really did. I, Ani has been one of my dream photographers that I've wanted to work with. And it actually came from, oh, that's a whole other thing that I really want to share, but I'll share it after the story. So I was shooting with Ani. I was shooting with Ani. And we did this one part where in my personal life I've been going through a lot of internal things, right. So I've been really on this verge of reconnecting to my body and appreciating my existence in my own skin and how beautiful our bodies are and how they work for us automatically without us even thinking about it.

So she had me in this one position where I was gently holding myself and like representing my self-love because that's what I wanted to be captured. And I just was like holding myself and just started crying right there and then. Just from a brand photoshoot.

Diana: So beautiful.

Cait: And I told her that it felt so good that you were able to help me be in that moment. Yeah, absolutely. It wasn't about the photoshoot. It was about being in that moment. And that's like what she held space for.

Diana: Yeah. I think the other really cool thing about this retreat is that when you mentioned it in the coaching session just a few minutes ago that it all, a lot of the people here actually working the retreat as well. So they're collaborating. So, Ani and Nicolette are attending and Elisa, but they're photographing as well. Or Tiffany, she's a client of mine. She's not just a chef I hired, she's the chef. And she's the best oh, my god. And Cait and Caitie, both taught yoga classes. So that was really special too, to have you here and teach that.

Cait: Yeah, it really was for me too. And it was also something that made this retreat very unique and valuable and meaningful to all of us. Because it was almost like you, we know you're a creative entrepreneur, coach, but like, you also hold opportunities for us to step into our roles. And that felt really, really powerful and humbling and rewarding. And also, like, a reminder that we are living our truth. And it was like, you brought that out of each and every one of us attending and you didn't have to. You didn't have to do that. We didn't need to have branding shoots.

We didn't need to have yoga classes. Like, this isn't a yoga retreat. But it was what made it so impactful for all of us. And we all agreed, like after every little thing that you incorporated, we were all like, that was amazing. We just brought us so much more closer together as well.

Diana: Yeah, I love it. Okay, closing question. If you could have another retreat like this, me hosting it. Anywhere in the world. What's your vote?

Cait: Wow. Anywhere that you are! I don't know. I like love to travel.

Diana: So I do not pay her to say that.

Cait: Genuinely, I am speechless. Honestly, anywhere that you are with your community. Like genuinely I'll be there. It's not about location. It's about the company that you're with in that location. I love you. I love you so much.

Diana: So glad you're here.

Cait: I am too. I wouldn't change it for the world. And I can't wait for the next one.

Diana: And this is Cait's first podcast. Yes, it is. All right. Great one. Beautiful.

Cait: Thank you.

Diana: Thank you. Alright, so Shelagh is our next guest, and retreat attendee. She is actually in the ASCEND mastermind right now, her second round. And we can't get rid of each other. And we don't want to. So she's here. And I would love for you to just start out with like, your psychic situation.

Shelagh Curran: I was wondering if it was okay to talk about that.

Diana: Yeah, let's talk about it. Yes.

Shelagh: So Diana said that she was hosting a retreat. And I was like, I need to be there. I need to be there. I don't know if I'm going to be able to or that's not true. I don't know how I'm going to make it happen. That was what was kind of, in my head at the time working through as so many of us are always working through mindset blocks, all the things. And so I saw the psychic, literally, if anyone wants his information, I'm happy to share.

Diana: We'll have everyone's Instagrams in the show notes reach out to Shelagh about the psychic.

Shelagh: Yes, yes. He is like this middle aged man. I think he lives in Kentucky. And his rates are really accessible. I think it's because he doesn't know.

Diana: Right? Or maybe he needs to join Camp Clarity.

Shelagh: Yes. All right. Anyway. So we're in our session, and you know, he's rattling off like a bunch of random things. And he said, Okay, at the end of the summer, beginning of the fall, you're going to go on a trip out west. I was like, All right. Can you give me a little bit more like what are we talking California? Wherever? He said, No, not California, like the Rockies. I was like, can't make this shit up.

Diana: Can't make it up.

Shelagh: I gotta be there.

Diana: And she's here.

Shelagh: And now I’m here. And it has been the most powerful few days. And I'm so grateful that I'm here that he gave me that permission slip to just really like say, fuck yeah. And lean in. Yeah. And it has just been like the most transformative few days.

Diana: Okay, so before we get into that, who are you as a human? Tell us about yourself?

Shelagh: Yes. What a question. What a multifaceted question.

Diana: Seems easy. It's not.

Shelagh: Yeah, it seems easy. And it's funny because you asked us that the first night in the opening circle and you gave us permission to say okay, who you are is not necessarily what you do. And I am going through, potentially a pivot, not even a pivot, but we're trying to just align more with my business, what I'm offering, what I'm doing, how I'm serving people, how I'm helping people.

Diana: Yep.

Shelagh: And so it was the first time that I really started answering that question without just saying, oh, I'm a dietitian, you know? So I am a lot of things. I am a dietician, I am a functional dietician, I specialize in hormone health. So I work with menstruators on all things, hormones, I have an affinity for my PCOS clients as someone with PCOS myself, who's really kind of just been passed around our medical system without really having any help.

So it's a part of who I am, because my work really lights me up. And it's really fulfilling to help people in that way because I am my clients, right? So I know what it's like. It's a big part of who I am. And I'm starting to explore how that can translate into just other parts of who I am as well. So, you know, like, I'm a Taurus, I've only learned recently, starting to learn like what that means how I can lean into that, how I can use it to my advantage. I've lived in Massachusetts, my whole life and this trip too like, I'm just going to put this shit out in the university. I need to change the scenery, right? Like I am a Bostonian at this time.

Diana: She likes to say wicked, wicked.

Shelagh: I do! I say wicked a lot. But there's something else on the horizon. And this trip has really showed me like, what is possible what is out there? There's so many beautiful places, so many different ways to live, ways to just live the human experience.

Diana: So, so good.

Shelagh: So that's who I am. I'm getting really curious for honestly, the first time in my life. And it's so funny, because even this I mean, Ascend, right? I mean, by now in my second round of ascend, and Diana has changed my life in many, many ways, which I have told her many times. But it's like the straying from the expected, right, especially in dietetics.

There's kind of this private practice pipeline where it's like, okay, you got the one on one work, and then you do the group programs. And there you go, right. And it's, it's just really, it's exciting to just allow yourself to step outside of that. And like, how can I be a dietician? And how can I be all of these things? And have it be even more aligned and more authentic and honestly, even my relationship with my clients, there's a lot of dietitians who would call it unprofessional. I have a friendship with my clients. I follow them back on Instagram. Yeah, we DM sometimes, right. It's just really cool to give myself that permission slip. Because Diana told me I had permission. I get to be what I want to be.

Diana: Honestly, what I'm realizing is I get paid for to hand out permission slips, which is pretty fucking great. I would love my dietician to be my friend. And to support me in that and to get to know her. You know, like, that's amazing. I love that so much and you're breaking the norms. And Caitie is actually walking by now she'll be on in a bit. She's breaking the fucking norms. We actually have a lot of people in this kind of red tape world that you guys live in.

Shelagh: Yeah. And also, like, so grateful to be here? Because Caitie's my new fucking best friend, right there.

Diana: They’re soulmate creepers, yeah, they were both like, is it creepy? Are we creepy? And I'm creepy too. I'm creeping you. Okay, great. We're on the same page.

Shelagh: I was like, I hope that she thinks I'm as cool as I think she is. And it's like, I already knew. We hadn't even left yet. Like yes, we're gonna be friends for a long time. And that wouldn't have happened if I hadn't told myself yeah, like you can do this. You can come here, because this is like this being here to be fully candid. This is a luxury that even a few months ago, I would have never allowed myself to even consider you know, yeah, so that's so cool.

Diana: What's been your favorite part if you had to choose something?

Shelagh: Oh my gosh. I mean, the swimming in the waterfalls was really awesome.

Diana: Can we just talk about this? So Cait and I a second ago there the podcast listeners are aware of the waterfall, but we didn't really go into it. Y'all. We're all cold plunging in this waterfall like cold. l=Like pins and needles ice to the bone cold getting each other to jump in this waterfall. And Shelagh is over here. Being this water baby like literally like backstroking in the ice plunge, hanging out. Going and being our advocate every time someone new wants to jump. She's like, I'll do it again. I'll do it again. She's under the waterfall. She's dipping under the water. Like you were at home in that waterfall.

Shelagh: I feel very comfortable in the water. Yeah, I was a swimmer for 12 years. I love being underwater. Like that's a really weird thing to say. But it's just like a very peaceful place for me. Yeah, it's quiet. My hair is like, no gravity like it just makes my scalp feel good. Yes, it's when Cait was like, Are you Pisces? It was like, Nope, just just a water baby. Yep. Yep.

Diana: So why was that your favorite part?

Shelagh: It was like we were talking about how it just felt so grounding and connecting with nature is something that I am learning, or I'm trying to do more up. I'm only recently learning how important nature is to me. So I'm trying to just ground wherever I can. I live in a city right now. And last week I was on a walk and there was a little patch of grass. I actually took my shoes and my socks off and I stood in the grass.

Diana: It sounds like you need to move to the mountains.

Shelagh: Yeah. So it was like I was, I literally felt like my electrons were aligning with the earth like I was, I just felt so held by the Earth and the universe and all of you guys. It was just so special.

Diana: We felt held by you, you were the one like totally advocating for us to jump in that water.

Shelagh: And that has been such a theme of the entire trip. Everyone is holding space for everyone.

Diana: Totally. Yep. Absolutely. So many amazing minds in the room.

Shelagh: So there was that but also the campfire. I want to first talk about the camp that was really, really fun. Like, the waterfall was wicked fun. But like, it was special and fun. And also really hard. Like the hike was challenging, especially after the sea level or, but the campfire it was just like, like, what Cait said, I felt like everyone was my best friend for 10 years. Yeah. And everyone was so open.

Diana: Time isn’t real.

Shelagh: And like, I asked someone to make a marshmallow for me. And five people offered to make me a smore. I was like, thank you so much like I just feel so cared for. And it's just it's so genuine. Literally people jumped out of their seats were like, Oh, you want a smore? I got you. I got you. Yeah, it was like I know, it's just a smore but this is so much more than that.

Diana: Yeah, and no shade. But sometimes I go in group stuff. And I'm just y'all I'm not the person to be like, Oh my god, girlfriend, whatever. Whatever. Whatever. Cool. If you are if that's genuine, truly, sometimes it feels fake, right? Yes, here. It's not. And I'm not just saying that because it's my retreat. Like it's not fake. The connections are so deep, not surface level at all.

Shelagh: So deep. Oh my god, five minutes into the car ride. Oh, my ride is the flaws of religion and like, oh my god, is it nice to meet you. So what's your childhood trauma?

Diana: I love it. Oh my god, y'all are my people. Okay, so if you had a vote — which you do, actually — where in the world would the next DDC retreat be?

Shelagh: Oh, gosh. I mean, both Greece and Ecuador.

Diana: Okay, great. Well, those are probably happening. Ecuador, for sure. Hint, hint. Maria is my second. And I say second because she's been with us maybe four months. My second hire, and she's from Ecuador. And she's our retreat planner. And it's happening. So September 2023. Keep your ears open.

Shelagh: So everyone can start manifesting it. And if anyone wants to see the psychic, he can let you know.

Diana: So you would vote for Ecuador and Greece?

Shelagh: I would.

Diana: Okay, great.

Shelagh:Greece has been on my list for a long time.

Diana: Okay. Fair enough.

Shelagh:Yeah, I love Mamma Mia.

Diana: I’ve never been to Greece, so I love that I could host a retreat in somewhere I've never been and also get to experience a new place. With all of you. So glad you're here.

Shelagh: I'm so glad that I'm here. If you're listening to this, and you have FOMO like, give yourself the permission slip. You can make it happen. You can and this is coming from someone who genuinely was like I can't. Yeah, you can. You can.

Diana: You can.

Shelagh: You just have to decide that you can.

Diana: Yes. Amen. Love you. All right, the guests continue. Here we have a fellow Coloradan which is so wild because no one's fucking from where we're from. Not just from Colorado, like Eastern middle of nowhere Colorado and not that we're from the same town but we get it. We understand what it's like to grow up on the plains of Colorado.

Meera Meyer: Absolutely.

Diana: Yeah. So we have Meera, who is I'm not going to explain who you are. Because I want you to explain who you are as a holistic human being. Can you tell the listeners who you are?

Meera: Absolutely. I am Meera Meyer. I am a financial advisor for, my financial planning firm. I empower women to feel really excited about their money and to confidently grow their wealth. And I’m mom, and I'm a human. Yeah,

Diana: I love it. And I'm so glad you're here. It's so surreal.

Meera: I'm so oh my gosh. I can't even believe it.

Diana: Yeah, what has been your favorite part? Like what are some reflections around this retreat so far?

Meera: I mean, I'm a people person. So the connections like that is that's the juice. That's the juice.

Diana: That's the juice. Secret sauce.

Meera: Exactly. Yeah, just being with other human beings and like, being reminded of how interconnected we all are and how human we all are and how magical we all are. Like it's just, it's just one of those things, that nothing else can replicate.

Diana: Absolutely. I agree. And it's in real life, it’s insane.

Meera: Yeah. Oh 100% Like it's a totally different ballgame.

Diana: Like we eat with everyone. We're sleeping with everyone. Not really like, well, not like that. we're not you know, you know? You know, we're sleeping in similar rooms, corridors, etc. Oh my god.

Meera: But campfire Yeah, community connection, the coaching like all of it. It's just, I am a connection person. Yeah. And that's like what lights me up and that gives me life. And so just being here is like just being born.

Diana: Yeah, I love that. And it's kind of a big deal because you're without your kids. Oh my god, and you had to kind of have a trust fall with your husband to take care of them and let go of a little control and give yourself permission, right?

Meera: Yes. I mean, I've never been away from my kids for more than like one night. And when I saw the retreat, I know when I realized that Oh, no, definitely not. And I saw the retreat. And my first thought was, there's no way I can do that. Like, how could I? Who would take care of my kids? My very loving and capable husband? No. Obviously I miss my children very much. But as a mom, like you aren't often reminded like, Oh, I'm a full human being. Yeah,

Diana: Not just a mom. Wife. What do you actually want? I love it.

Meera: Right? Yeah, and the level of clarity you can get when you're not constantly thinking about the support that you need to be giving to others at the moment. Like that is immeasurable.

Diana: Did you set any boundaries? When you left like, are you?

Meera: I was very tempted to make a meal plan, do grocery shopping, make a schedule, write it out? And I? I didn't. I was like, You know what? He, my husband? Like I said, he's a very capable human being.

Diana: It's giving them the credit.

Meera: Yes, exactly. Like he sure that might have been helpful for him. But he doesn't need that. Yeah, he's able to do it on its own. So, you know, he travels a lot for work. So we're used to kind of communicating when the other person is able to. So if he calls and I don't answer, it's not a big deal. Yeah, you know, and I call and say goodnight to the kids. And it's, it's just, it's just, like, really empowering to know like, I can do this every once in a while and everything is gonna be fine.

Diana: Yep, totally.

Meera: Worlds will not explode.

Diana: Yeah. Have you had any breakthroughs or favorite parts? Like powerful moments here?

Meera: I mean, millions.

Diana: Powerful retreat, y'all. You never know what to expect. This is our first one too so it’s so cool to see.

Meera: I mean, just like moments I'm remembering is like running up the mountain with Tiffany and Oh,

Diana: My God, we have to talk about this. Holy moly. Okay. Okay. Yes, please tell this because we have had a couple of people before you recollecting around the hike in the waterfall and how hard the hike was. And all of a sudden, so our chef Tiffany, who will be on later, she's a crazy avid runner, like trail runner. She decides she's going to run up the mountain and Meera’s like, I'm going to do that too. And so I didn't even get to witness this because I'm not fucking running up the mountain.

Meera: And no, I am not an avid trail runner, like, so.

Diana: So what was this experience for you then? Like, how did it go? Like, what was what came up for you? It was

Meera: I mean, it was. I love hiking. I live in Boulder. There's hikes everywhere. And I'm gonna tell short story, a little story. I was talking with a friend during this hike that I love to hike. I was so psyched to do and I texted her, I was like, you wanna wake up at 6am? And we can do this. And she's like, Yeah, and we start on it. And we're about a third of the way up. And she was like, I can't do this anymore. I have to turn around and go back. I'm just listening to my body right now. And it's telling me I can't do this. And I was like, holy shit.

I'm so empowered by you telling me that because my like people pleasing tendencies, yeah, would make it so difficult for me to do that. I would feel like oh my gosh, I'm like, holding this person back, whatever. So I was like, I'm gonna run with Tiffany and Tiffany. I was like, Tiffany, I'm gonna walk now. And she's like, Okay, I'll walk with you. And I was like, if you could keep running, if you really want to, like that would help me so much. And it was just really nice for me to be able to listen to my own body and be like, Hey, I don't owe it to anybody else to put my body under stress.

Diana: So did she keep running?

Meera: 100%

Diana: Wow

Meera: Yeah. And it felt so good. It felt so good to just and I'm gonna run a little bit, and I'm gonna walk a little bit and I'm not like, I don't have to feel bad about it. I don't I'm guilty about it. I can do things in a way that makes me feel best and most of all,

Diana: No bullshit. Yeah, none of this like, oh, no, it's okay. I'll walk with you. I really don't mind or like, Oh, I'm really gonna, you know, I'm gonna keep going because I feel like I'm holding you back. I send out a newsletter about the American fluff, which I learned in my-

Meera: Oh, yeah, yeah. So good.

Diana: It's like we have this tendency to be like, Oh, it's okay or whatever. And we don't mean it. Right. Like, let's start saying what we meant and honoring ourselves, and also trusting that the other person has the agency to honor themselves as well, right? How refreshing.

Meera: It was. So it was so good. We were both so empowered in that moment. I was like, I'm gonna walk for a little bit. I want you to run if you want to run like, and she was like, I want to run so yeah. And then I walked we like caught you know, she's, she's came back, we caught up with each other. And then we got to this beautiful epic waterfall. And we were both just like, Let's get in. And we just, yeah, we jumped in. And yeah, we ran back down the mountain. I totally wiped out.

Diana: Oh my god, I didn't even realize!

Meera: I'm a little banged up.

Diana: Yeah, I got some stars for the story.

Meera: It was like you've just been initiated into trail running. That's what I was like, great. I'm in. I’m in.

Diana: So good.

Meera: But yeah, there were just so many beautiful moments of personal growth and magic.

Diana: I'm so glad you're here. I'm so honored, truly. Again. I'll say it a million times. I'm so humbled. So humbled. I mean, just this group, we've said it is incredible.

Meera: It's incredible. It's wild. It's actually like wild. Yeah, the feel of every single human here.

Diana: You couldn't define it. And you couldn't make it on purpose if you tried.

Meera: No, there's no way. Yeah. And you're the common denominator.

Diana: Pretty humbling, I might say. So. Okay, last little question here. If you had a vote — which you do — where would the next DDC retreat be anywhere in the world?

Meera: Okay, I feel like this is cheating a little bit because I already heard you say Greece earlier.

Diana: I didn't say Greece, Erica said Greece. And we're like, okay, okay. I'm in. Okay, so there's three votes for Greece. I'll just say that. Yeah. Okay. Maybe Greece, like may 2023.

Meera: Perfect. Perfect.

Diana: Just saying because we're doing Ecuador, for sure. Ecuador is fascinating. It's amazing. So Greece, if you had a second vote?

Meera: I mean, Ecuador, like the views in Ecuador? You're just like, is this real?

Diana: So that's, I mean, that's the two that have come up. I'm so curious. I'm asking everyone.

Meera: I know. I'm sure I could think of a million places.

Diana: Sure, I mean, we could do it anywhere and it wouldn't matter. But it is pretty expansive, this view. If I do say so.

Meera: It's indescribable.

Diana: Yeah.

Meera: It really is.

Diana: So good. Thank you for being here.

All right, y'all. We have another OG client here. One of my first coaching clients, ever. And one of the photographers at the retreat. Ani.

Ani Paoletti: Hey.

Diana: So what did you just get done doing?

Ani: Oh, my God. Well, I got done photographing the other photographer. But before that, I was photographing two other amazing women. Yeah, it was literally electric.

Diana: Okay, she made Cait cry yesterday, in a good way. And she talks about it. She's like, this was a life changer.

Ani: She did? Oh. It blew my mind when I saw tears in her eyes. I was like, just, you know, look at the photo. And she was like, tear up and I was like, oh, man, girl. Okay. I’m so glad you feel it.

Diana: You're changing lives. Really. She's like, that was one of her biggest takeaways from the retreats.

Ani: My heart. Yeah, that's all I want to do. That's all.

Diana: Yeah, you get to. So who are you as a human?

Ani: Oh, my god. Um, well, I said at the beginning of this retreat that I really wanted to do more of a letting my inner child, my inner teenager literally come out and play. Yeah. And when we did when we talked about core values play was one of them. And I was like, I feel like in the past, play almost felt a little too free for me, because I used to be in more commercial roles. And as a photographer, obviously, you know.

Diana: And there’s structure, and lighting.

Ani: Oh my god,like equipment the right technology, like using a computer, Jesus Christ, you know how great it is to not tether and shoot anymore. I love it. But yeah, so I just feel like I've just been able to, on this whole retreat, be able to play more and create more. And like yesterday, I was just really tired and exhausted from traveling, from hiking. And after photographing four amazing women, I just felt like overflowing with love and just like gratitude for you and the space and these people

Diana: Reenergize.

Ani: And Shelagh literally was like, girl, you look like you just took a nap and you look so good. And she's like you're glowing because of the photo shoot. Yeah, like I can tell it's from within. And I was like, thank you. It is it is. So I think right now I'm calling myself like a spiritual brand photographer. It's kind of it's, it's, it flows.

Diana: You're giving people an experience. Yes. You're letting them tap into their deepest spiritual beings.

Ani: Exactly. Yeah. So good.

Diana: I’m giddy right now. Okay. So besides the photography, because you are a participant, what has been the most impactful or your favorite moment or like reflection from? I mean, we're not done yet. We have a day like a half day and night which apparently campfires are very powerful around here like, y'all

Ani: I was high as hell by the way.

Diana: It's legal, by the way. Yeah, we're in Colorado. You think that like, you know, even me. I was like, yeah, there's gonna be campfires and it sounds so like, Girl Scouty and kitschy? Yeah, and apparently this was like, one of the biggest takeaways people had was just that the campfire but I want to hear your biggest, favorite part. Biggest takeaway so far?

Ani: Oh, my God. That's such a. Outside of the photography. I think, oh man. Biggest takeaway? Honestly, think it would have been today when we were redoing or we're not redoing.I was redoing my cosmic shopping list. Yeah.

Diana: Which if you haven't listened to the cosmic shopping list episode, just go listen to it. Give it a lesson. Give it a listen. It's great.

Ani: And I haven't done a cosmic shopping list. Since Camp Clarity round one which was 2020. Like, exactly two years ago,

Diana: You’re on round seven! Yeah, Camp Clarity’s had seven rounds and turning two years old this month. September.

Ani: Happy birthday. Happy birthday, Camp Clarity! Yeah, so like redoing the cosmic shopping list was like, kind of wild because I had mentioned while we were sharing that, I haven't, like, in the past, when I did it, it was very, you know, putting down shoulds and I need to make this much or putting the for me that putting the lot in the need down. Felt very scarce. Now. Used to not but now it does. And so instead, I was trying to like, feel more into the, somebody mentioned, doing like, feeling what you're doing now. But on a deeper level, like a higher level and some way.

Diana: Change it?

Ani: Yeah. And like not forcing a change or transformation.

Diana: But like more, please.

Ani: Yeah. And I wrote down I was like connecting with people doing retreat, photography, things that I'm literally doing right now. Just more of it, like on a greater level. And so I think that doing the cosmic shopping list in this sort of, like, new way really just kind of opened my eyes to like, you know, outside of my business. My life's a little like all over the place. So it kind of made me feel better. And like more grounded. Yeah, in what I'm doing, where I'm going and doing it. Thank you.

Diana: You're fucking doing it. Because we're doing it. We don't give ourselves the credit for what we're already achieved. Like,

Ani: I haven't been. Yeah, you just say that. I was like, damn, I haven't been.

Diana: Yeah, that's so powerful. Yeah. I'm so grateful you're here.

Ani: I'm so grateful that you were like, Yeah, let's like come with and there's another photographer. And we just had a great time photographing each other.

Diana: That’s so special. I love a good shoot swap. It's so cool to be on the other side of the camera.

Ani: It really is. And it's cool because it's like, you don't I don't know, as a photographer. If you're never in front of the camera. How are you able to facilitate the experience?

Diana: You can't empathize.

Ani: You can't at all. You're like, it's so funny. In all honesty, the last time I got photographed by another photographer was Sammy Hubbs. Yeah, at her retreat. Yeah, I burst into tears when she tried to take a photo of me. And I needed like a full minute to like recenter. And I think that's part of why my shift went from being a personal brand photographer to the experience, the spirituality behind the photos, and it's not just the photos.

Diana: Yeah, Sammy is a powerful human.

Ani: She is. She changed my life. And so did you.

Diana: I love it. She's one of those people that's like 75 years old in her soul.

Ani: When she told me she was 26 like me, I was like, what the fuck? No you’re not!

Diana: Okay. So if you could choose where the next DDC retreat is anywhere in the world where would you choose?

Ani: Where would I choose? Oh, man.

Diana: And knowing that this isn't out of scarcity there's going to be many more. Oh, yeah. But like if you just like gut check here, this place.

Ani: Bali, Oh, yeah. Always wanted to go to Bali. I’ve always wanted to go.

Diana: I haven’t been either. Okay. Got it. I'm so glad to have you here. I can't wait for all of you to see these photos. They are going to be incredible.

All right, I guess we have a lot of OG clients. But what's really cool about Caitie Corradino is that she started as a photo client, and I was actually her client in my favorite workout ever, which is problematic, but it's fine. It's booty yoga, and you can call it whatever you want. I don't care who made it or what, but I love the modality and I love the way Caitie taught it. So we've known each other for a long time.

Caitie Corradino: I know I have since broken up with like many fitness formats since we met in my fitness classes years ago, but I think it is so special that we met in that way. Because that really was like me in my element. And I loved teaching that format. It really was all about embodiment and empowerment. And it was a really cool avenue when it worked.

Diana: Yeah. So we met in New York, and you're from Brooklyn originally, which, if you can, you know, y'all pick up on the accent a little bit. I love her accent. I don't think she thinks she has one. But she does. Okay, so the other thing is, can we speaking of breaking up with, what you said? Can we give them like a little nugget of what's to come with our collaboration? Or is that too much of a?

Caitie: No, I think that would be really cool. Okay, well, I could say that I have my own podcast. I call it Whole, Full, and Alive. And Diana and I went through breakups at the same time, parallel side by side and also decided to become nomads. At the same time.

Diana: I literally basically trailed her around Europe. She went to Rome. Then I went to Rome. A month later, she went to Florence. I went to Florence a month later,

Caitie: You basically were like three weeks behind me. And then we just we went through a really similar journey and have connected in a really meaningful way over the last couple of months. And so I'm really excited to bring you on my podcast and talk about what both of us learned through these crazy spiritual breakthroughs breakups, heart openings that we went through.

Diana: Completions! I love- Oh, it's gonna be so good. I'm so excited already. And that hasn't been recorded yet. But stay tuned. So Caitie, who are you as a whole human

Caitie: As a whole human? Okay, well, I because I just launched my podcast, I got a lot better introducing myself. So I am a registered dietician, nutritionist eating disorder, recovery coach, Reiki practitioner, fitness instructor, yoga instructor and creator of Full Soul Nutrition. But I'm also a big fan of kitchen dance breaks, and all things chocolate truffles, and we're all traveling and spirituality and serendipity and life in general.

Diana: Serendipity. Oh, God, I love it so much. Okay, Caitie is just a vibe. I'm so excited. And I will say we can drop it here too, because Pollen is the most intimate audience I have, like, Y'all get to know everything on my email list. You don't get to know everything, Instagram, you don't get to know everything. Here it's all. So another thing to look forward to is Caitie and I are going to Costa Rica together for five days truly, as it's going to be an entrepreneurship trip. It will be an entrepreneurship, but it also be the completion of like our healing.

Caitie: Yeah, we go on that healing journey side by side, like-

Diana: You know, why wait? Yeah, because who knows? If we wait till January till the weather's perfect in Costa Rica, or we're, you know, we're like, financially, whatever, available timewise we're gonna, like, we're not gonna be at the same place. What if we like date someone and we're not single anymore, we need to go to Costa Rica fucking single together. And we're gonna have a blast. So that's to come too. So Caitie, what has been the biggest like, thing of this retreat for you? Like, what's the biggest takeaway or your favorite part? Or reflection?

Caitie: I mean, embracing all of who I am, is something that I have had historically a difficult time doing in my business, I felt this sort of like need to keep it super clinical in my nutrition practice, or to just keep it super traditional, or to follow the path that other dietitians have paved before me. When really I know, I want to do something unique and different, because what I always needed when I was recovering from my own eating disorder, was something unique and different.

And my time here with all the incredible people and this space, and this place, and just the vibes, has reminded me that I do need to embrace all of who I am. All of that stuff I talked about, because shying away from it isn't serving anyone. Yeah. And it's definitely not serving me to suppress any aspect of who I am.

Diana: Yes. So we actually, I've talked about this a lot on the podcast because my journey to entrepreneurship was actually just giving myself permission to go full force full speed ahead with the entrepreneurship thing and not try to get another job when I got laid off. And I was basically like, you know, if I'm in September, which September what a powerful month for me always.

It's September I am going to do this entrepreneurship full fledged, and if I'm broke and miserable by December, I'll get a job. So we've kind of put that challenge on this also this like showing up really authentically and fully expressed and just like unapologetic, yeah, you, like, try it until December and see what fucking happens. Give yourself that permission.

Caitie: Yeah, I mean, I really can always go back to Boston and be like a really standard clinical dietitian that's available to me, I have my masters I have my credentials, I can do what I could go and work at a clinic. Like you're saying, like, if you're not going to be your whole self, why not just go work at a clinic? Why not just go work at an eating disorder treatment center. And there's a reason I'm not doing that is because I want the freedom to incorporate all of the things that I'm passionate about, all the things I've learned about over the course of my own life.

And so I'm changing my instagram handle to my name. Not gonna have nutrition in the name anymore, and I'm gonna just go full force into being myself full soul. It’ll mean so much more.

Diana: I love it. Stay tuned for all of the Caitie and Diana adventures.

Caitie: Apparently, this is the first four minute preview

Diana: Teaser. Caitie, if you could choose where the next retreat for DDC would be? Where would you vote for?

Caitie: I am a world traveler. So like, it's really difficult for me to choose like my favorite places. But I think I want to choose somewhere that I've been already, that I had always like good vibes for a retreat. Yeah. And I'm feeling like it is a Portugal.

Diana: Oh, I love Portugal.

Caitie: Yeah. I mean, like, even just right outside of Lisbon is so beautiful. It's like this, except we can also go into the city if we want to and like go out dancing one night, just saying!

Diana: Oh, yeah. Yeah, if we do Lisbon or anywhere International is going to be a much longer retreat for sure. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I love it. Yeah. And also welcome to Denver. She moved right before literally 24 hours before this retreat started

Caitie: Rolling out was so fun.

Diana: There's so many excuses, though, that you could have had and you came anyway.

Caitie: Yeah. Yeah. And I really wanted to have a home base and I could have had that home base where I've always been in New York, New Jersey, but I decided that I want to have a home base somewhere new, somewhere exciting to come back to.

Diana: And she really got initiated to Colorado and Steamboat Springs.

Caitie: Yeah, this retreat was also my initiation to Colorado.

Diana: Love it.

Caitie: I couldn't have thought of a better one.

Diana: So good. Literally, thanks for being here.

Caitie: Thank you.



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