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S2 E32 Client Testimonials: "I manifested EVERYTHING on my list" with Caitie Corradino

S2 E31 Get Out of Business Debt in 2025 and All Things Money Talk with Gina Knox

S2 E30 Spirituality, Money, and Living Your Purpose with Logan Gentry

E6 Building Your Cosmic Shopping List 🪐🔮

Ask, believe, and you will receive. The universe is here to help you. Collaborate with all creation, and you can achieve your ideal life and career through manifestation!

In this episode of the Pollen Podcast, I talk about the cosmic shopping list: what it is, what it does, and how it can further your career as a creative entrepreneur. I also share my journey from building my list with the universe and how I was able to see it come to fruition. Listen as I share the importance of positive thinking and knowing what you want.

Listen to this episode to learn how to build your cosmic shopping list and use manifestation to achieve it!

Create your own creative entrepreneurship story of clarity, professional confidence, and profit. Join Diana’s 90-day group course Camp Clarity and learn everything you wish you already knew, like how to land dream clients, harness the power of social media, and make the money you deserve. Learn more here.

🔥Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  1. Understand the concept behind manifestation and what it can do for you.

  2. Work with the universe! ✨ Learn how to start and build your cosmic shopping list.

  3. Draw from Diana’s experiences and how manifestation functions in a real-world setting.


🎧Episode Highlights

[01:49] Camp Clarity Course

  • Camp Clarity is a 90-day group course designed to empower creative entrepreneurs to start living and not let their businesses run their lives.

  • It tackles everything you wish you knew, including taxes and legal contracts, terms and conditions, privacy policies, landing your dream clients, harnessing the power of social media, and making the money you deserve.

  • Sign up for Camp Clarity today and avail of the early pricing at $500!

[04:32] The Power of Manifestation

  • Manifesting is believing in something, taking action, and making it happen.

Diana: “Manifestation has to do with getting clear on what the hell you want. So that your brain, your eyeballs, [and] your person can recognize it when it comes right in front of you and is about to smack you in the face.” - Click Here to Tweet This

[07:00] What is a Cosmic Shopping List?

  • A cosmic shopping list is your manifestation list.

  • It is a list telling the universe what you desire or crave in the next chapter of your life.

  • It should be particular but not too specific. Leave it open to collaboration from the universe.

  • Diana suggests creating a cosmic shopping list every quarter or six months. Let it unfold and work with the universe to make it happen.

Diana: “[A cosmic shopping list] is almost like going to a mixology bar…they don't have a menu— you just tell them [what you want]… The bartender or mixologist is your universe.” - Click Here to Tweet This
  • Diana learned about the list through Charlie Howard, an author, model, and businesswoman.

[10:37] Building Your Cosmic Shopping List

  • Start by listing what you want. Nothing is too silly.

  • Be kind of vague but specific. Let the universe collaborate with you a little bit.

  • Write your list in the present tense. List those things out as they have already happened. For example, use terms like "I have" or "I am."

  • Then, classify each item as a "need" or a "want."

  • Final step: put it away and try to forget it. If you can, put it in an envelope and open it after six months or a year.

[12:07] Diana’s Cosmic Shopping List

Diana: “And little did I know the universe, my bartender had such a different plan for me that was 50 million times better than the one I had in mind.” - Click Here to Tweet This
  • Diana wanted specific — and yet vague! — things out of life.

  • She completed her cosmic shopping list, but not quite in the way she expected!

  • Listen to the full episode to find out how manifestation and a cosmic shopping list got Diana to where she wanted to be.

[20:06] Importance of Knowing What You Want

  • A cosmic shopping list is important because it is crucial to know what you want.

  • Knowing and defining your dream gives you direction; you can't get to where you want to go if you don't know what it is!

Diana: “How can we know what we're looking for, what we're trying to manifest in our lives, [or] how we want our lives to look, if we don't know how our lives need to look to be happy?” - Click Here to Tweet This

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Build your cosmic shopping list, and let’s move you further along your creative entrepreneurship journey!

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So once you have these things listed out — so let's just keep using the example of “what is the next chapter for me?” What does that look like? I am making $80k, I have a sunny office, I wear leggings to work, I collaborate with people, I even get to use my camera — then I want you to put, next to all of those things that are written in present tense, “want” and “need”.

Diana Davis: Welcome to Pollen, the podcast for creative entrepreneurs. I'm your host, Diana Davis, multi-passionate creative, business coach, Gemini, manifesting generator, matcha drinker, and travel junkie. I'm also the founder of Diana Davis Creative, where I went from a six-figure photography business to coaching creative entrepreneurs like you. If you want to have a career and a life you love, you're in the right place.

On this show, I'll be coaching on all things creative entrepreneurship, and you'll hear stories from fellow creative entrepreneurs that will show you it is possible to do life the way you want to. They'll share the nitty-gritty of their journeys, like the real shit, and how they are doing it differently. I'm stoked to have you along on this journey. Let's go.

Hello, Pollen listeners. We are back with another solo episode. We are talking about the cosmic shopping list today. Why? Because I'm probably going to reference this a lot in future episodes. So I really want to nail this down and have you do this epic, epic exercise that you might already be doing. But you might just not be calling it a cosmic shopping list.

Before we get into that, today is the last day to get early bird pricing for my signature group program, Camp Clarity. We will be starting Round 6 in just a couple short weeks. Wild how this went from me being a photographer and a graphic designer, once upon a time, in corporate, to becoming a business coach, to Round 6 of Camp Clarity pretty wild.

This is for if you don't know who Camp Clarity is for, it is for the creative entrepreneur who is ready to start actually loving your life. And what I mean by that is that a lot of us are burning out, we're hustling. Part of the reason for that is we're not charging enough. Part of the reason for that is that we're not showing up enough in authentic ways to build, like no trust with our audience, specifically on Instagram and other social media.

I want to empower the creative entrepreneur to start loving what they do to start living their life and not letting their business run their life. Charging the rates, your work is actually worth working with your dream clients, not just everything that walks through the door. And also know stuff like taxes and legal contracts, terms and conditions, privacy policies, all this stuff to actually run a business.

I will tell you, I'm never going to be your Excel personality, business coach, like Excel spreadsheet, they're not my thing, but by God, we're going to run your business, right? This is not a hobby, this is not a side hustle. And you're going to pay some quarterly taxes, if I have anything to say about it. And I want you to be literate in those things. So you feel empowered by it.

Camp Clarity is a 90-day group course, live with me, you get to meet with me twice a week live on Zoom with a beautiful network of other creative entrepreneurs who are going along this with you, as well as getting to join the vast community that has taken Camp Clarity before the alumni that you will be plugged into for the rest of your days, as long as it exists. Yeah, there's so much to it.

Basically, I won't give the whole spiel here. You can go check it out at, join that early bird you get $500 off if you're even thinking about it, join the early bird join that waitlist. Okay, let's get into this episode.

Let's get into this cosmic shopping list. It's actually something I have all of my clients do. And do often. I recommend, if not every quarter, maybe every six months to do this exercise and you can do it for multiple things in your life. You could do it for a new apartment you're looking for, for where you're going to live. Maybe you're trying to choose a new city, which I know a lot of us are in this panini world, as we like to call it.

The cosmic shopping list really can lead us there. And this is a manifestation tool. And let's just debunk manifestation for a second because I think a lot of us think it's like sprinkling fairy dust. You know, I say that a lot. It's not just sprinkling fairy dust and hoping your wishes are going to come true. It's not a fairy godmother, magic wand situation.

Manifestation has to do with getting clear on what the hell you want. So that your brain, your eyeballs, your person can recognize it, when it comes right in front of you and is about to smack you in the face. That's what manifesting is. Also, manifesting means making something happen making something come to fruition.

Whether that's, oh my gosh, I want, you know, a corgi puppy that is black and white, and brown instead of just brown and white. And I want it to be a female. And I want it to be really friendly. That can be a cosmic shopping list, you manifest that you go look for it, you go look for it. But you're also available for it, when it comes and looks for you.

Manifesting can also just mean making the thing happen. So I can manifest a laptop, right. And maybe I'm not just waiting for the laptop to randomly magically show up at my door, maybe I am developing a plan to be able to afford said laptop and going to the damn Apple store and buying it. And that can also be manifestation I manifested that laptop, I made it happen. It's not about fairy dust, right? It's about taking action and also believing it's possible, and keeping your eyes wide open for the thing.

The important thing about manifesting, and especially this cosmic shopping list is we can't be so specific, right? We need to be open to interpretation from the universe a little bit, right? So if we're manifesting an apartment or say a house, you can't say I want that house, that house with the address 39005 on Elm Street with a blue door, that's the one I want. That's it.

If you're manifesting a house, it can be more like, I want something super sunny. I want it to have at least three floors. I want it to have space for my office, but also my future kid or whatever the case may be. And then you get to let it unfold and let the universe work its magic and kind of go okay, I've got one for you. Here we go.

It's almost like going to a mixology bar. Have you ever been to one of those speakeasies where they don't have a menu, you just tell them, okay, I like tequila, I like citrusy flavors. Nothing too sweet and maybe a little floral or like a little herbaceous is a word I used to say in the food world, which maybe I'll tell my food stories someday about working in that world. But that's like manifesting. The bartender is your universe.

Oh my gosh, I love this analogy. I just made this up on the spot. The bartender is your universe, or the mixologist. And you are telling the universe, your bartender, what it is that you're craving, what it is that you're desiring, but you're leaving it open to collaboration with the universe. So this is when the cosmic shopping list comes in.

Cosmic shopping list is basically a manifestation list. And I give credit where credit is due Charlie Howard Charlie with an IE Howard is an amazing model, founder of Squish Beauty. And a writer. She is incredible. I actually saw her speak in person in New York City way before the panini. And that was at an OKReal conference, which if you don't know OKReal, they're amazing, too.

Charlie Howard did a post a while ago, several years ago, actually, when I was still working at Time Inc., about a cosmic shopping list. And me and my best friend Katie, use this post like crazy. We're always sending it back and forth. And it's basically a list of what you want and need in the next chapter of whatever so whether it's an apartment, or let's just say it's your next chapter in general.

When I was at Time Inc., I had no fucking clue what the next steps were for me, but I knew I had certain things I needed fulfilled, to be fulfilled, right. And to be honest, I thought based on my list, which I'll share with you in a second, it would be more like I was working at Well+Good and getting to just be at kind of a publication with more wellness-y vibes and that cared more about the things I cared about that I could wear leggings to work and get snacks and have some interesting people and not be working on like GEICO and Ford accounts right at Time Inc. like I was.

The cosmic shopping list comes in here. And this is what Charlie posted about it had to do with her modeling career, which she's just amazing. She's a now like Marilyn Monroe, quote unquote plus size, which is ridiculous model that has gone through a lot in the modeling world, go follow her.

This cosmic shopping list, you start to list what it is you want, being kind of like the tequila, the citrusy notes, maybe there's a little herbaceous on the nose, whatever you want to say, list that stuff out and start to put a puzzle together. These are your puzzle pieces. So for example, when I was at Time Inc., I had a list that said, make 80k.

Cute, right? Like, and some of you might be like, I'm not even making 80k yet, that is not me, bashing 80k. That's Diana, wow, how beautiful that you thought that's all was possible for you. And if you think 80k is all is possible for you out there listening, how beautiful that you're in that space, because I cannot wait for you to discover what is actually possible for you. Because now we're over here making multiple six figures and loving every minute of what I do in every minute of my life.

At the time, I said, make 80k have good snacks, right? Have good snacks. What else wear leggings to work, have a bright sunny office work in Manhattan because I was working in Brooklyn at the time. So I had all of these things on my cosmic shopping list. And how I recommend for you to do it is to say it as if it's in the present tense.

For example, I am making 80k. I work in Manhattan, I have a sunny office, I wear leggings to work. Oh another thing that was on there, which is hilarious because I wasn't using my camera at the time at all when I was in corporate was use my camera. And I put want next to it instead of need. I had travel for work all of these things.

Again, in my mind's eye I was going to work for Well+Good leggings, good snacks, sunny office, all the things. And little did I know the universe, my bartender had such a different plan for me that was 50 million times better than the one I had in mind.

Once you have these things listed out — so let's just keep using the example of “what is the next chapter for me?” What does that look like? I am making $80k, I have a sunny office, I wear leggings to work, I collaborate with people, I even get to use my camera — then I want you to put, next to all of those things that are written in present tense, “want” and “need”.

For me 80k was a need I was in so much fucking debt I was in like $30,000 of debt. If you are in debt, by the way, and think you can't get out of it and it's not possible for you. I would love to be your expander and tell you it's so possible but get help. Okay, if you need recs for that, let me know. Shout out to The Financial Gym. Shout out to Mira of Life.Money.Balance., check her out.

There are so many amazing money coaches out there who are here to help you get out of that if that is something you are desiring. So I was in so much debt 80k for living in New York City I absolutely needed that so that was a need sunny office that was a need good snacks need all of this was like health, you know.

Then the photography thing, like I said had a want next to it, which was hilarious to me because I didn't think I could have that I was just like, Oh, that'd be kind of cool. If I could bring my photo back you know, my photo career and then little did I know very shortly after I got poached over to Hearst, which if you listen to episode one, if you haven't, please go back and listen, you'll know so much more about who I am.

I went over to Hearst, got poached there and got laid off four months later. Hearst was not fulfilling my cosmic shopping list at all. But this cosmic shopping list I had kind of just written and forgot it. You know, I kind of tucked it away and then I started to photograph and I started to work with wellness professionals.

I was photographing women in wellness Yogi's nutritionists, coaches fit pros, all of the people clean beauty brands like Native vitamin companies like New Chapter, and I was wearing leggings, which sounds like such a silly thing to have on your cosmic shopping list and I want you to know nothing is silly, you get to have whatever fricking makes you happy. And if wearing leggings during the day makes you feel aligned. Amazing, you get to have that.

I was wearing leggings everyday, because a lot of times first of all, I needed to be very nimble for my photoshoots and really comfortable and be able to like, squat down and lay on the ground and jump and whatever run. And a lot of times I like go to a workout class with my clients before or after their shoot, which was super fun.

I was working in a sunny office, LOL Manhattan, the outdoors of Manhattan and also my home, which I was lucky enough to have a really amazing apartment that Bobby and I manifested with a cosmic shopping list. No joke on the Upper East Side. That's a story for maybe another time, but it was basically only in New York, it was not even really sort of renovated tuberculosis sanitarium.

A lot of you are going to be like “What the fuck?” But yeah, it was. And so part of the really big charm, whether you think that's charming or not, it was beautiful, first of all, and it had floor-to-ceiling windows that opened up to these balconies because tuberculosis patients in the early 1900s needed air and light.

I had probably one of the sunniest departments you could get in New York City. Because otherwise if you're a New Yorker, you know, usually you get a brick wall about 12 inches from your window and it's dark at noon. So we manifested that also.

That became my office. And I had good snacks because guess what, I got to coffee shop all around the city. I was working in Manhattan, which was also on my list. And when I was at home editing photos or something, I had good snacks there too. And I was absolutely making more than 80k I busted through six figures the first year of my business, as you heard in the first episode, which is wild to me, I didn't know that was even possible. When I put 80k on that list. I was like pie in the sky like “Please, Lord.”

This is the cosmic shopping list. I want to encourage you to do your own. And again, if we take the apartment example that Bobby and I manifested in New York City, we literally put on our list drenched in sunlight, not just like sunny we said drenched, it is the most drenched in sunlight apartment you could ever see if you had ever been there, which probably a lot of you have is sunny, like you had to squint in the morning.

I was in so much debt 80k for living in New York City. I absolutely needed that. So that was a need sunny office, that was a need. Good snacks need. All of this was like health, you know. And then the photography thing, like I said, had a want next to it, which was hilarious to me because I didn't think I could have that I was just like, Oh, that'd be kind of cool. If I could bring my photo back, you know, my photo career. And then little did I know very shortly after I got poached over to Hearst, which if you listen to episode one, if you haven't, please go back and listen, you'll know so much more about who I am.

I went over to Hearst got poached there and got laid off four months later. Hearst was not fulfilling my cosmic shopping list at all. But this cosmic shopping list I had kind of just written and forgot it, you know, I kind of tucked it away.

Then I started to photograph massive, which is normal in most cities, but like an actual gas range stove that wasn't half its size. So if you're a New Yorker, you know, your fridge is mini and your stove is mini. This was like full size so and we had a dishwasher, which is not a thing either. We still didn't have laundry in the building. We didn't put that on our cosmic shopping list. But everything else came true.

The point is, with this cosmic shopping list, write your list just like your bartender list. I like gin. I like lavender. I like egg white in my cocktail some of you are like ew egg white and the people who know know egg white in your cocktail is amazing by the way, list those things out as they have already happened as if they have already happened in that language. I have egg white in my cocktail.

Okay, so it's already happened and then go through that list. Be kind of vague let the universe like collaborate with you a little bit don't be too specific have to have this one with the blue door on Elm Street right? Be vague but specific at the same time. Put your wants and needs next to those things are they want or are they needs and then forget it, put it away. Something you could even do is put it in an envelope for yourself to open a year from now and see what happened open it six months from now. Whatever you want to do.

My partner and I actually do this with our relationship every Valentine's Day we write a cosmic shopping list of what we desire in our lives as a relationship and we seal it up and we wait till the next year and open it on Valentine's Day. It's pretty fucking cool. It's really fun and I recommend that with anybody for yourself with a partner, whatever.

That's the cosmic shopping list. And why it's so important is because it is so crucial to know what we want. And we will talk about dream clients soon, because that's a huge part of my business and what I teach. But same with dream clients, how can you have a dream client if you don't know what your dream client is? Or who that person is? Right? So how can we know what we're looking for what we're trying to manifest in our lives, how we want our lives to look, if we don't know how our lives need to look to be happy, right?

Again, leaving it open to interpretation, there's going to be a lot of times when we think we want a certain cocktail, but the bartender has something else in mind. And we're actually happier than we would have been if we went with our Plan A.

Check out the cosmic shopping list situation, go make your own, please tag me on social if you don't want people to see your cosmic shopping list like white it out or something or tell us about it. I would love to hear that you're implementing the strategy and this tool into your life and into your business because it is so freakin powerful and so fun, how cool we get to collaborate with the fucking cosmos. Right? Like how cool that's how I look at it.

Yes, as always, the best way to reach out to me is to share this on social let me know you're listening. And the best way to get in other people's ears to get this podcast in the ears of people who need to be inspired, who need to hear this stuff who need a little push who need a business coach in their back pocket is to share it and then rate and review it and subscribe, and all of the things.

I can't wait to see your cosmic shopping lists. We'll be talking about them a lot more. So this is some prerequisite homework for future episodes. Over and out. I love you all so fucking much. Thank you for your energy here. Thank you for your time. Thank you for letting me come through in your earbuds. I cannot explain how honored I am. It is not lost on me that you're giving me this time. Talk soon. Talk next week.



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