Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart, and a big part of that is because you have to fail so many times to get good at things, learn hard lessons, and get on the right track. Nobody knows that better than Liz Perra and her spouse and business partner Beau. They're the epitome of serial entrepreneurs and professional pivoters, and have had more failures and setbacks that you could imagine.
In this episode, Liz is sharing their journey through serial entrepreneurship, the highs and lows of launching and starting something new, the importance of failure if you want success, and how to embrace a pivot in life or in business. If you've been feeling chained to your business, this episode is the permission slip you need!

👂 Here's what you can expect to hear in this episode:
Liz and Beau's journey through serial entrepreneurship, pivots, and lessons
How pivoting has allowed Liz to create a life and businesses that give her freedom and keep her passionate instead of feeling stuck
Why failure has been such a huge benefit to her and why it's necessary if you want to be successful
How to embrace your own failures and pivots and the fact that your journey is meant to be different
📘 Resources
Apply now for Camp Clarity: Recalibration Edition to achieve the life, career, and clients you've always wanted (and fully deserve!) The next round has some fun and potent new surprises including expanding to 6 months!
Get 2 weeks free to the Recess for Creatives community, where you can connect and collaborate with like-minded entrepreneurs who understand your creative path.
Want to make your offers sell like candy? Join Suite 🍭 for a 2 day product suite workshop that will bring in your dreamiest clients and give them exactly what they're craving!
Ready to attract a loyal community that is ready to buy whatever you sell? Join HUMAN: Your roadmap to attracting aligned clients by cultivating a community rooted in your true essence
👩 About the Guest
Liz is an entrepreneur who, with her partner Beau, has built, scaled & reinvented her way through multiple businesses. From design to digital media management to their newest venture - laundry, the two pride themselves on their ingenuity and resilience in business.
Check out Beauandliz.com
Check out Lotta's Laundry
Find Liz on Instagram
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